Available 24hrs - Eye 01379 871168 Harleston 01379 851253 Diss 01379 831332 Framlingham 01728 723448

How Susan Whymark Funeral Service can help you.

Susan Whymark Funeral Service Ltd is proud to offer a 24-hour caring, personal service, and our premises have a private chapel of rest.

Arranging a funeral is typically the final thing you can do for somebody and carries a lot of responsibility at a difficult time. We understand this and endeavour to make things as straightforward as possible for everybody concerned.

A funeral can be as elaborate or as simple as you wish. The most important thing is that it reflects the person it is being arranged for. We offer a comprehensive service and believe in giving tailored care and giving you the time and freedom to make the choices you want.

The initial arrangement meeting can take place in our private arrangement lounge at any of our branches or in the comfort of your own home. Our staff will listen to your requirements and provide advice and guidance. Arrangements will be detailed and a full estimate of costs provided.

We strive to make the arrangements as painless as possible, so please do not be afraid to ask questions or query anything you do not understand. We are happy to include you, your family and friends as much as you wish with all aspects of planning and preparing for the funeral.

Quality Assured

As members of the National Association of Funeral Directors we adhere to a strict code of practice assuring you of our high standards, dedication and professionalism.

What we can do for you: